It’s hard to believe that 2016 is already here. In fact if you’re anything like me, it only feels like yesterday that the office was decorated for Christmas!
Now you’re back in the office and starting to plan your goals for the year ahead – but before you look forward, perhaps you should look back at what happened in 2015. How many employee issues did you and your Managers face? How many employees were terminated? How much time was lost dealing with poor performers? How many times did you think to yourself “This issue is going to turn into an Unfair/Unlawful Dismissal Claim.”? More importantly, how confident were you that the tools your business had at its disposal would protect your business from claims or penalties for non-compliance?
The sad fact is that it doesn’t matter how well intentioned your business is, or how few employee issues your business may face – it only takes one incorrectly handled issue for your business to lose time, money and productivity.
In 2015, we saw a dramatic increase in the number of Bullying Claims submitted to the Fair Work Commission. It also saw a large jump in the amount awarded to employees for other claims, as was seen in the case of Richardson v Oracle Corporation Australia Pty Ltd, in which the court awarded the employee $130,000, an amount that includes a component of $100,000 for non-economic loss.
If the above has you reminiscing about employee issues of the past and thinking about potential issues that may arise in 2016, then it’s definitely time to look forward and plan how you can protect your business.
Fortunately, there is a way to achieve all of this in a timely and cost effective manner.
HR On-Demand provides your business with the foundations necessary to ensure compliance through access the legally vetted policies, letters, contracts and other documents; whilst also acting as an HR point of contact for your Managers, guiding and coaching them through people issues as they arise.
Reduce your risk in 2016 – call us at HR On-Demand on 1300 559585.