It might sound a little strange, but I love the setting up the onboarding process for new employees. Now I can already hear you thinking I’m a little strange, but...
What does the term “Workplace culture” mean to you? Well, if all it means is ‘another one of those nice-to-do best practice things HR wants us to care about’, well...
Recently I received a call from a long-term customer of mine who was dealing with an employee with excessive absences and wanted some guidance on how to deal with this...
As a result of this year’s Fair Work Commission review, minimum wages in Modern Awards and the national minimum wage will be increased by 3.3% as of the first...
It’s that time of year again where many businesses are preparing for their annual performance reviews. Once considered a fundamental tool to ensure employee performance that is in line with...
In our last newsletter, we raised the question of “Are You Overpaying Your Employees?” (click here if you missed it). It was a great read about incentive programs, and how...
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